Denbighshire County Council Homelessness Strategy

Following the implementation of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 the Council were keen to have a Homelessness Strategy adopted prior to the 2018 deadline.
Denbighshire required that a Homelessness Review was completed in line with the requirements of the Act and the accompanying Code of Guidance, and that a Homelessness Strategy be developed based upon the findings of the Review.
What we did
arc4 undertook a detailed Review of Homelessness across Denbighshire, this included:
- An analysis of the past, current and future levels of homelessness
- An audit of the services aimed at preventing, accommodating and supporting people who are or may become homeless
- A review of the resources available to spend on homelessness within the borough.
- The review process drew upon a wide range of sources, including homelessness statistics, supporting people data, housing advice data and a series of consultation exercises.
Alongside analysis of data and statistics available through the Local Authority and key partners, arc4 undertook consultation with stakeholders through the Homelessness Forum and a range of questionnaires to understand all services available, and to identify gaps in provision.
The Review was underpinned by extensive consultation with customers, including drop in events, focus groups, profiling and questionnaires, to ensure that the customer’s views and experiences were taken into account when understanding homelessness in Denbighshire.
arc4 used the findings from the Homelessness Review to develop Denbighshire’s first Homelessness Strategy.
The Homelessness Strategy seeks to achieve the following objectives
- The prevention of homelessness
- That suitable accommodation is and will be available for people who are or may become homeless
- That satisfactory support is available for people who are or may become homeless
The Strategy provides a concise and effective tool for the Council and it’s partners to undertake a strategic approach to responding to and preventing homelessness across the County.
The Result
Denbighshire County Council were provided with:
- A detailed Homelessness Review in line with the requirements of the Act.
- An accessible Executive Summary of the Homelessness Review
- A concise, focused and effective Homelessness Strategy and an accompanying action plan.