Sunderland City Council Housing Investment Prospectus

In 2015/16 arc4 completed a Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Sunderland City Council and as part of that commission prepared a ‘Strategy response document’ based on the evidence base. This provided the Council with several potential options for dealing with their housing challenges which included a need for a higher value housing offer, increased delivery, investment in specific regeneration locations and a housing offer that underpinned the economic growth of the City. The Council then commissioned arc4 to prepare the formal Housing Strategy
What we did
The Housing Strategy needed to take into account the changing policy landscape and provide a visionary but practical position statement for Sunderland.
Sunderland City Council were keen to ensure that investors, developers and other stakeholders understood that the city was ‘open for business’ and that Sunderland was able to compete on a regional basis. Our role was to create a succinct document, that aligned with their economic strategy and provided the key messages out to investors and developers.
The Result
Our document started as a Housing Strategy and became a Housing Investment Prospectus, as per our client’s request, which focused on the ultimate aim of improving and diversifying the housing offer in the city.