Commercial and investment advice
arc4 supports a significant number of investors, developers and registered providers with a robust and comprehensive evidence base to provide reassurance and foresight about potential investment opportunities. Of course we do not limit our advice to the private sector and we regularly work alongside the public sector too on commercial opportunities.
Our data allows us to identify where to invest for sale, rent and other intermediate products across larger geographies, pin pointing locations and finding land. Where we are asked about specific opportunities on specific sites our evidence allows us to determine the type, size, tenure and price for new homes. It provides a detailed analysis of the local area, who lives there, what your target market looks like and whether they can afford to buy/rent homes. We can tell you about the competition in the area, what's in the planning pipeline and how best to develop your site. We work in major city centres developing large scale apartment blocks to town houses and other family housing. Our data and reports are often used by institutional investors and lending institutions.
There are few questions we can't answer, working with over 100 datasets. We invite you to try us out’